AI-Powered Cyber Security Training for Employees

Train your team to defend against the latest cyber attacks with our complete AI-powered cyber security training for employees.

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Gavin Di Luca

Our AI-powered cyber security phishing simulation software wrote this email. Think your team could tell?

Run hyper-realistic, scarily personalized attack simulations in just a few clicks with our phishing simulation training platform.

Curious how many of your employees would pass a phishing test?

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How Jericho's anti-phishing training works.

Campaigns Attacks

How Jericho's anti-phishing training works.

Why choose Jericho's online cyber
security training
for employees?

Why do you need online cyber security
awareness training
for your employees?

Phishing contest! Who will catch the biggest phish?

Send us your phishing emails and you could win!
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